Study Choice Caribbean

Helps you pick your next study

Frequently Asked Questions Students

To sign up for an online meeting you first need to register an account on this website.
Please click the register button and fill in the form.

AVG Disclaimer: Email addresses and names can be shared with partner universities and institutes to send you the best personalized information to help you make a future changing choice.

When registered, make sure you are logged in to the website. (the button logout in the top right confirms you are correctly logged in).
Go to the planned meetings and check the schedule.

Here you will find all details about the planned meeting.
If you are interested to join this meeting, make sure to join at the right date and time seen with the countdown timer.

When in the session, the microphone and webcam will be muted by default.
It is not possible to join with these options enabled, please choose Join without Audio and Video.
The host can decide to enable both later in the session.

The host of the education institute will start their 20 minute presentation and go over the questions at the end of their presentation.
Those questions can be entered (also during the presentation) in the chat.
When the host decides to enable muted microphones and webcams of the attendies this is the moment to ask questions by video.

All meetings will be recorded automatically and students have the option to view the recorded sessions for a limited time.
Students need to be logged in on this website to view the passed recordings.
If you have participated in a class, please register as individual on this website to view the passed recordings.

We hope to help you making a future-changing choice.

Having issues registering?
Please send an email to are we are happy to assist.

We use Cloudpresenter software for the online meetings. No need for installation of any software, best used with browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Opera.

Frequently Asked Questions Hosts

When you have a scheduled meeting as a host, you should have received an email by our team with the login link for this meeting, or use the link from our website.

Please make sure to enter the session 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the scheduled meeting.
When entering the session your name will be asked, when entered and joined to can wait here for the moment the scheduled meeting should start.

A technical representative of Study Choice Caribbean will be in the channel to support your at the start of your session.
Please notify the chat window for any messages.
Recordings of the session will start automatically, the technical representative of Study Choice Caribbean will make sure that the recordings are running.

All regular users will be muted by default, you can start presenting at the start time. Do not worry about people not talking back to you. At the end of your presentation you can enable users microphones and/or webcams. That’s when you will get feedback and/or questions. You can start at the given time of your presentation slot.

We use Cloudpresenter software for the online meetings. No need for installation of any software, best used with browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Opera.

You now have full control to start your presentation.

Please make sure to use the following schedule during your presentation:
– 20 minutes Presentation
– 25 minutes Questions & Answers

Click the link to the correct room, type your name and enter the room







Click join to enter with the correct audio settings (you can test first if you like)







If you click the Participants icon, you see that you are entering as a normal guest (audience)









An Admin in the channel will now add you as a presenter.

You can start broadcasting with the blue button called Start Broadcasting, your microphone and camera are now enabled.









Find the icon with the screen with an arrow in it that is called “Share Screen”, it can be in the left bar, or be hidden behind the 3 dots (Show more).
This way you can share your presentation with the audience.

You get a few options, best is to share the full screen, click the screen in the open window and select also share system audio. Then click share (delen).









Now open your Powerpoint presentation and slide it to the screen you are sharing.
The presentation starts when you see the recording has started.








At the end of your presentation, please check the chat to see if there are any questions by the audience.









When your presentation is finished, you can leave the session.





The admin will make sure that the recording will be stopped and this recording will be published on our website as soon as possible.

When presenting a PowerPoint presentation, make sure to use the button in the bottom right Slide Show to maximize the presentation to fullscreen.

Attendies for the meetings can be individuals or classes on one login, please keep in mind that we can not count the exact number of students reached in each presentation because of this.

All meetings will be recorded and students have the option to view the recorded sessions, starting a few days after the presentation.

We hope to help you present your educational institute online.

Having issues hosting your session?
Please send an email to are we are happy to assist.


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